
Least Authority performs Security Audit of Knot DNS and Knot Resolver on behalf of Mozilla’s “SOS” Fund

Earlier this year, Least Authority completed a security audit of Knot DNS and the Knot Resolver for the Mozilla Secure Open Source (“SOS”) Fund. The Mozilla SOS Fund provides security auditing, remediation, and verification for key open source software projects. This Fund is part of the Mozilla Open Source Support program (MOSS) which recognizes and celebrates open source

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Least Authority performs User Tests at RightsCon Toronto

Least Authoritarians attended RightsCon – the world’s leading conference on human rights in the digital age – that took place in Toronto from May 16th to May 18th, 2018. Like every year, RightsCon Toronto brought together a diverse set of social tech, digital rights policy, and open internet advocacy groups, as well

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Least Authority hosted a workshop with Simply Secure at Internet Freedom Festival 2018.

Least Authority along with Simply Secure hosted a workshop ‘Communicating the importance of privacy’ during the Internet Freedom Festival (IFF) held from March 5-9, 2018 in Valencia, Spain. IFF brings together journalists, activists, technologists, policy advocates, digital safety trainers, and designers around the world. This one-of-a-kind gathering in the Internet Freedom community gave us an opportunity

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Conference Schedule

11:00 – 11:20 Networking, refreshments and morning snacks, welcome message 11:20 – 11:45 Why Privacy Matters Zooko Wilcox (Zcash) 11:45 – 12:15 Inspiring a Movement Rick Falkvinge (Private Internet Access) 12:15 – 13:05 Data Protection Panel Silvan Jongerius (TechGDPR), Florian Glatz (BLOCKCHAIN.LAWYER), Jan Sahl and moderated by Tom Braegelmann (LEVERTON)

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Code of Conduct for the conference – “Privacy For Everyone”

We are committed to providing a safe, inclusive, welcoming, and harassment-free conference experience for everyone. We have a Code of Conduct that we expect all attendees to adhere to. This Code of Conduct applies to the conference and the networking evening. Harassment and other exclusionary behavior aren’t acceptable. This includes and is not limited to:

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Introduction to Mix Networks and Anonymous Communication Networks

Anonymous communication networks like the Tor network hide metadata from passive network observers. While the term ‘anonymous’ is used to mean many things, in this context we are speaking in terms of the inability of a network observer or attacker to link actions on a network with its participants [ANONTERMS]. Even

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