
Presenting ZKAPs at Hello Decentralization Conference

On February 22nd, Least Authority’s CEO and Managing Director Liz Steininger spoke about Zero Knowledge Access Passes [ZKAPs] at Hello Decentralization, a free community event where members meet and discuss decentralized technologies from a technical perspective. The full talk can be viewed above and slides can be found here. The

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PrivateStorage is Coming Soon!

Keep your data private in our cloud. PrivateStorage is a new secure storage product that will become available in the third quarter of 2021. As firm believers in protection of our customers’ privacy, we will offer a private, secure and end-to-end encrypted solution that aims to minimize the collection of

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Zero Knowledge Privacy in Regulated Financial Transactions

Zero knowledge proofs (ZKPs) are an extremely robust, privacy-enhancing tool that can prove a computational statement is true without revealing the data behind it.  While still at the early adoption stage, ZKPs are gaining traction as a potential solution to a vast array of privacy conundrums. These cryptographic building blocks

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2020: Least Authority’s Year in Review

Before highlighting Least Authority’s accomplishments from 2020, I must first acknowledge that this year has been a difficult year for so many people around the world, and on many levels. There has been suffering from health issues and significant economic consequences, and as a result we all see 2020 as

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Project Update: Tahoe-LAFS for Human Rights Defenders

This summer, Least Authority has been wrapping up our project funded by the Open Technology Fund (OTF) to make Tahoe-LAFS a more usable tool for human rights organizations. (Read about the background on this project in our earlier post.) While secure file storage is a necessity for most everyone, human

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We’re upgrading Magic Wormhole to Magic Wormhole for All

The Problem Sending a file from one computer to another is common and should be simple, but it can be surprisingly complicated, even in 2020. This simple-yet-complicated user story is illustrated in xkcd comic #949. How should you send a file from your computer to someone else’s computer? What security

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Using ZKAPs to Disconnect Payment Data from Service Data

A note from the team: we’re continually looking for possible applications of ZKAPs in a variety of scenarios. If there is a product or project you’re working on that you would like to test ZKAPs with, don’t hesitate to get in touch! Last month, our team, the Least Authoritarians, gave

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