
Adapting Secure File Storage Tools for Human Rights Defenders

Least Authority is committed to supporting privacy as a fundamental human right and to actively participate in making privacy-focused open-source tools available for everyone. In the case of  human rights defenders, protecting their sensitive files—including reports, photos, videos, and other documentation—is a necessity, and at times, a matter of the

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Our Audit of Ethereum Foundation’s Node Discovery Protocol

This summer, Least Authority was hired to audit the Ethereum 2.0 node discovery protocol. We enjoyed diving into the protocol, and found some issues that were really interesting to model and test. Read the full report here.  Proof of Identity The audit went smoothly and we were able to quickly

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The Path from S4 to PrivateStorage

In March 2019, Least Authority announced PrivateStorage, our new joint venture with Private Internet Access, a privacy-focused VPN provider, to launch a new secure cloud storage product based on Tahoe-LAFS. Since then, we have been asked questions about how PrivateStorage relates to our currently offered Simple Secure Storage Service (S4),

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How The TezBox Wallet Audit Should Inform How We Think About Privacy

Last September, I had the pleasure of performing a security audit for a Tezos project called TezBox, developed by Stephen Andrews. TezBox is a web based digital wallet for using the Tezos cryptocurrency. I’m always excited to audit JavaScript projects, especially those that run in the browser and secure your finances, because the

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Introducing P4: Private Periodic Payment Protocol

Least Authority has recently designed a protocol called the Private Periodic Payment Protocol, or P4, which aims to define the way in which subscription services can be funded using end-to-end private cryptocurrency payments. P4 incorporates the use of Zcash shielded transactions for private payments and leverages the Tor anonymity network’s onion services to radically reduce the amount of personally identifiable information (PII) available to merchants. In addition, P4 introduces…

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Least Authority Hosted a Workshop at MozFest 2018

Least Authority hosted a workshop “Privacy Personas: how to connect and communicate effectively and make people care” at MozFest, Mozilla’s week-long festival (22 October to 28 October, 2018) in London. Every year MozFest brings together people who care about building a healthy internet – an internet where users control their data, and privacy. Sessions are organized under six spaces mirroring five key internet health issues — Privacy and Security, Openness, Decentralisation, Digital…

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