
LAFS Featured on EFF Tech Blog

Karen Rustad on November 6, 2013 The Electronic Frontier Foundation’s tech blog has some lovely things to say about LAFS at S4. Snippet: Tahoe’s protections against third-party snooping and deletion have the kind of strong mathematical guarantees that reassure security experts that Tahoe-LAFS is well-defended against certain kinds of attack. That

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S4 on

Karen Rustad on August 19, 2013 Yesterday featured S4 and LAFS in an article on secure, distributed cloud storage. We had a bit of a quibble with the article’s first line, though: Looking for a solution to give you an edge in the ongoing struggle between you and the authorities over

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LAFS mentioned on Computerworld

Karen Rustad on August 13, 2013 Australian IT publication Computerworld’s article about security and surveillance in the cloud mentions LAFS as a way to use the cloud while still keeping your data private.

Read More » Announces A PRISM-Proof Storage Service

Zooko Wilcox-O’Hearn on July 30, 2013 Simple Secure Storage Service (S4), a backup service that encrypts your files to protect them from the prying eyes of spies and criminals. “People deserve privacy and security in the digital data that make up our daily lives.” said the company’s founder and CEO, Zooko

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