
Least Authority at 2017 Internet Freedom Festival and RightsCon

March was a busy, but exciting month for Least Authoritarians. It started off with our participation in 2017 Internet Freedom Festival (IFF) held from March 6-10 in Valencia, Spain and ended at 2017 RightsCon, which took place from March 29-31, in Brussels, Belgium. Open supportive conversations, knowledge sharing with like-minded professionals, a

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LAFS Summit Next Week in San Francisco: Nov 11-13

The next LAFS summit starts next Monday, November 11! When: Monday 11-Nov-2013 (afternoon only) Tuesday 12-Nov 2013 (all day) Wednesday 13-Nov-2013 (all day) Where: The Mozilla SF Office, 2 Harrison (at Embarcadero) Who: at least Brian and Daira, plus everyone else who can make it We’ll have drinks and snacks, wifi, and an

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