
Project Update: Tahoe-LAFS for Human Rights Defenders

This summer, Least Authority has been wrapping up our project funded by the Open Technology Fund (OTF) to make Tahoe-LAFS a more usable tool for human rights organizations. (Read about the background on this project in our earlier post.) While secure file storage is a necessity for most everyone, human

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We’re upgrading Magic Wormhole to Magic Wormhole for All

The Problem Sending a file from one computer to another is common and should be simple, but it can be surprisingly complicated, even in 2020. This simple-yet-complicated user story is illustrated in xkcd comic #949. How should you send a file from your computer to someone else’s computer? What security

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Using ZKAPs to Disconnect Payment Data from Service Data

A note from the team: we’re continually looking for possible applications of ZKAPs in a variety of scenarios. If there is a product or project you’re working on that you would like to test ZKAPs with, don’t hesitate to get in touch! Last month, our team, the Least Authoritarians, gave

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How The TezBox Wallet Audit Should Inform How We Think About Privacy

Last September, I had the pleasure of performing a security audit for a Tezos project called TezBox, developed by Stephen Andrews. TezBox is a web based digital wallet for using the Tezos cryptocurrency. I’m always excited to audit JavaScript projects, especially those that run in the browser and secure your finances, because the

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Conference Schedule

11:00 – 11:20 Networking, refreshments and morning snacks, welcome message 11:20 – 11:45 Why Privacy Matters Zooko Wilcox (Zcash) 11:45 – 12:15 Inspiring a Movement Rick Falkvinge (Private Internet Access) 12:15 – 13:05 Data Protection Panel Silvan Jongerius (TechGDPR), Florian Glatz (BLOCKCHAIN.LAWYER), Jan Sahl and moderated by Tom Braegelmann (LEVERTON)

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Code of Conduct for the conference – “Privacy For Everyone”

We are committed to providing a safe, inclusive, welcoming, and harassment-free conference experience for everyone. We have a Code of Conduct that we expect all attendees to adhere to. This Code of Conduct applies to the conference and the networking evening. Harassment and other exclusionary behavior aren’t acceptable. This includes and is not limited to:

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Introduction to Mix Networks and Anonymous Communication Networks

Anonymous communication networks like the Tor network hide metadata from passive network observers. While the term ‘anonymous’ is used to mean many things, in this context we are speaking in terms of the inability of a network observer or attacker to link actions on a network with its participants [ANONTERMS]. Even

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