Audit of Centrifuge Tinlake 0.3.0

Centrifuge has requested that Least Authority perform a security audit of Tinlake 0.3.0, a smart contracts framework on Ethereum that enables borrowers to draw loans against non-fungible assets. Any assets represented on-chain as Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) are financed by issuing an ERC-20 token against all of the collateral NFTs that are deposited into the Tinlake contracts.

Tinlake 0.3.0 enables revolving investment pools, allowing investors to redeem and invest TIN and DROP tokens on an ongoing basis. The investment and redemption of tokens is executed in periodical epochs for which investors can place orders. The calculation of the token prices for an investment or redemption requires a Net Asset Value (NAV) evaluation of the ongoing loans based on the underlying collaterals.

Our final audit report was completed on October 16, 2020.

To read the full report including our findings, click here:


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